August 2022 Update
More good news!
Another zone is open!
We have released the 5th zone. LaGrange Old 9, Ontario is now open for site surveys and applications. If you are in this zone, please check your email for an application. Reminder, you will be contacted by Vantage Point for the site survey.
Site surveys and drop construction are still ongoing in these 4 zones:
LaGrange North
State Road 9 North
LaGrange East
If your site survey has been completed, your first month’s pre-payment must be submitted before drop construction will be scheduled.
We are partnering with Berry It for drop construction - taking the fiber cable to your home. Please note, it may be several weeks after your site survey is completed before drop construction begins.
Follow our progress on our website, in the Indiana Connection magazine and on social media. Encourage your family, friends and neighbors to pre-register for service. Pre-registrations help determine our construction plans. We thank you for your support and patience, and hope to be coming to your neighborhood soon!